No legacy,
only the leading edge.

Emphasized focus on innovation and progress, rather than being held back by past traditions or outdated practices. No need to be burdened by old ways of doing things, but rather to focus on new and cutting-edge ideas and technologies to drive change and advancement.


Parents don’t want their child walking down a dark alleyway, yet they willingly throw them into the darkest of alleyways the internet has to offer.

The dangers lurking online are not just a persistent physical but also mental threat, necessitating drastic security measures. The open availability of problematic, sexual and outright degenerate content is of high concern for both young and old, which must be purged.

The presence of degenerates in the digital realm presents extreme risks not only for minors but also for adults who will encounter cyberbullying, harassment, or fraudulent schemes. Establishing strong privacy settings, being discerning about digital connections, and maintaining open conversations about these risks are essential components of protecting oneself and preserving a sense of innocence in an increasingly complex online world.


Absolute justice represents the pinnacle of moral and legal principles, embodying an unyielding and resolute commitment to eradicating injustice and corruption in all its forms. This unwavering dedication is underscored by an unwavering allegiance to the highest standards of ethical conduct and fairness, ensuring that the scales of justice remain impeccably balanced.

Furthermore, absolute justice manifests as a steadfast and unshakable devotion to upholding impartiality and equity for all individuals and entities involved, regardless of their societal status, affiliations, or influence. It stands as a beacon of integrity, shining a light on the path toward a more just and equitable society.

Beautiful &
Good Design.

Design is innovative and takes advantage of technological advancements, while also emphasizing the usefulness, aesthetics, and understandability of a product. It is unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, and thorough in every detail, showing respect for the consumer. Finally, good design is characterized by simplicity and elevating the essential functions of a product.*

For the
Future Human.

As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, there are new opportunities for innovation and growth, but also ethical and environmental concerns to consider. The ability to adapt and evolve in this rapidly changing landscape will be key to success, along with a strong sense of empathy and responsibility towards fellow humans and the planet we call home.